What Sun Signs Say about Work Abilities: Cancer

Posted by in Career Advice


In every workplace certain personality types emerge. Understanding the repetition of reactions that occur and the origin of some career-centered characteristics is beneficial for both employers and employees.


Astrology lends a glimpse into patterns that show how particular groups of people survive and thrive in society. Knowing your own tendencies will steer your career where you are comfortable. Insight into co-worker's sun signs will increase your empathy and promote productive work relationships and keeping your bosses preferences in perspective will get you preferential treatment.


The fourth sign in the zodiac, people born under the sun sign Cancer celebrate birthdays that fall between June 22nd and July 22nd. As a water sign, Cancers’ emotions run deep. They act on their hearts and emotion to provide stability and protect their families. Like the crab that represents them, Cancers can become grumpy and withdrawn if their feelings are hurt.


Good or bad, Cancer traits include emotional, loving, intuitive, imaginative, shrewd, cautious, protective, sympathetic, kindheartedness, dependability, changeable, moody, touchy, clinging, unable to let go, and can read into people’s comments more than they should.


Cancer natives crave stability and security which makes them excellent in areas of finance. They are also very insightful to reading other people’s cues to discover their needs and emotions. This causes them to excel in domestic fields as well as professions like counseling and education.


Because Cancers are such good listeners they are easy to communicate with at work and at home. Some people assume that their gentle and quiet nature makes them passive but are surprised to see Cancers are quite assertive in the work force. They work best when being compensated adequately for their efforts since the paycheck is just to provide for their families and any extra time would rather be spent at home.


If you are a Cancer consider a career in one of the following fields: antique dealer, archeologist, bartender, caterer, charity worker/fundraiser, cook/chef, dishwasher, fisherman, furniture restorer, gardener, historian, home care worker, homemaker, host/hostess, housecleaner/domestic engineer, museum curator, musician, nanny, nurse, photographer, restaurant or hotel owner/manager, sailor, self-employed businessperson (particularly in a family business), social worker, store manager, teacher (especially early education and special needs children), or a waiter/waitress. Cancers really shine when doing work that helps seniors, small children, families, or animals.


In whatever career field you find yourself, compatibility with coworkers can make or break your motivation in the office. Cancers tend to work best with people whose sun signs include Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces whereas those born under Gemini, Sagittarius, Aries, and Capricorn are more challenging to work alongside. Libra, Leo, Cancer, and Aquarius natives could go either way. However, when it comes down to it fellow employee relationships really depend on the individuals involved.


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  • Heather Fairchild
    Heather Fairchild
    Brandt, keeping a stack of note cards in the car to fill out immediately after an interview is an easy way to make sure you don't forget to do it later on.  
  • BrandtN
    Its true.  Applicants who make the effort to send a thank you leettr/email after meeting   whether after a networking event, meeting or job interview   are more memorable because so few people make that effort.  Once that message is received you say to yourself  Oh yes, I remember that person 'and if you're interview or meeting was solid thats a good thing!

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