Don't Make These Common Resume Mistakes

Posted by in Career Advice



Everyone is looking to make their resume stand out to a perspective employer but if your resume stands out but says nothing productive about you it isn't going to help you. Making your resume fancy will not aid in getting a job if it is also full of common mistakes. Take a look; are you making any of these easy to make mistakes?


  • Font size for entire resume is too small / too big / all caps (not counting the headings, text should be no smaller than 11; no larger than 12)
  • Too many typos and grammatical errors (read it backwards; have a friend proof-read it!)
  • Second page does not include your name (what if the second page is misplaced?)
  • Too much or not enough white space (looks empty, inexperienced)
  • Includes unrelated personal interests and hobbies such as "enjoy reading, long walks, music, travel, knitting, and puzzles" (include interests ONLY if it is related to your career Objective)
  • Includes personal information such as married, homeowner, two children (Leave off. It is unrelated to the position, and risks possible discrimination)

You're not looking to date the company you're applying for, you're looking to work for them. While enjoying fine french food is wonderful and you expect people to remember your name from page one to page two, it doesn't always happen. You want to impress professionally first, personally second, and you're resume is the first impression that you are putting forward.

Remember also that what your resume looks like is important, not just the layout but the physical paper. Try not to fold or crease the pages. If there are multiple pages make sure to staple them evenly and in order. Last but not least do NOT hand write in changes! If you're concerned about paper or ink consumption or wasting copies, only print what you need. Scratching out things and then writing them in looks super sloppy and unprofessional.

By Jodi Sonoda

List from Resume Resource as written by Ann Baehr.


Jodi has been blogging for over 3 years, and is excited to currently be blogging with for Nexxt. She is attached to the internet at the hip and enjoys the constant connection. She spends most of her offline time playing dolls and reading picture books with her two year old.


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